Maitri G.
Maitri G.

Maitri G.

Maitri Gopalakrishna is a Drama therapist, Counselling psychologist, and practice-researcher. She has a Ph.D. from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai and an MA in Counselling Psychology with a concentration in Drama Therapy from the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco. She is also a registered drama therapist (RDT) of the North American Drama Therapy Association. She has been a member of staff at Parivarthan since 2009.

Maitri works with both individuals and groups in a variety of institutional and community settings. Her work includes community building, preventative care, mental health support, psychotherapy, and training. She has experience working with issues of gender, sexuality and sexual trauma and childhood sexual abuse. Her work is greatly influenced by intersectional feminist therapy, narrative approaches, role theory, psychodrama and theories of Augusto Boal. Maitri’s current areas of practice-research include drama as an intervention for sexual trauma and drawing on theories and practices from the Natyashastra in therapeutic work.