Parivarthan Counselling Training & Research Centre is a registered, non-profit society, with no religious affiliation
High Quality, Ethical Services
25 years Of Experience
8700+ Clients Serviced
our services
Counselling, Training, Counselling Helpline, Workshops & Seminars, Career Counselling, Coaching, Research, Outreach Services, and Consultancy.
Counselling is provided for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families by trained counselors
Training is provided in the field of counselling and life skills to non-professionals and professionals
Workshops designed for development and enhancement of individual, family, group and organizational functioning
Career Counselling is provided for people who are at a crossroad, having to make decisions on streams of study or careers that will be more suitable to them
Coaching is provided for individuals so that they can be more effective, more fulfilled and, as a result, better able to contribute meaningfully to their work and life in both the short and long term
Research is undertaken in the area of mental health
Outreach programs are designed for less fortunate sections of our society
Consultancy is provided for developing Training programs, and workshops, Counselling, Research and Outreach services
Parivarthan (Sanskrit for Transformation) was started in 1995 at a time when counselling was still a lesser-known form of professional help for mental health difficulties. The centre was established to offer counselling services in the community through well trained professional counsellors. Since its inception, Parivarthan has been conducting a rigorous and comprehensive yearlong counsellor training besides providing counselling services to children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. Over the years, the faculty at Parivarthan have conducted research studies to develop counselling practices that are appropriately tuned to Indian cultural context and changing societal realities.
What makes the Parivarthan experience different is the respect that we have for the confidentiality of our clients. We believe that ongoing professional and personal development of counsellors through regular supervision and personal counselling is an essential part of the practice of counselling. The quality of our services is further upheld by affiliating and adhering to the ethical guidelines laid down by BACP.
Parivarthan is one of the few mental health organisations in the country that has secured an organisational membership (Membership No. 129337) with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Parivarthan stands by the strong ethical code recommended by the BACP, namely the Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy, the Ethical Guidelines for Researching Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Professional Conduct Procedure.

We regret to inform you all that Carlos Welch passed away peacefully in his sleep on February 29, 2020, surrounded by his wife, Saroj, and children. We will miss him.
Saroj and Carlos Welch, two of the founding members of Parivarthan, are renowned practitioners in the art of psychotherapy, as well as being teachers and trainers.
Educated and professionally trained in the United States as a psychiatric social worker and counselling psychologist respectively, they have been pioneers in developing Counselling and Training Programmes in Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh), Vellore (Tamil Nadu), Bangalore (Karnataka) and New Delhi.
In addition to other professional certifications, they are clinical members of the International Transactional Analysis Association, by whom they were recently honored for their forty-one years of developing psychotherapy in India.
The Welches served as missionaries of the Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church for 42 years developing Pastoral Care & counselling programs for pastors and establishing counselling centres and Programs for people in general.
The academic knowledge, professional expertise in counselling and psychotherapy and the rich experience in ‘growing people’ of Carlos and Saroj’ has culminated in the establishing of Parivarthan.
Parivarthan consultation & training services
Parivarthan Consultation and Training Services is a registered Trust originated by Parivarthan, a registered, non-profit society that provides multimodal services in the field of counselling and training services and has made a name for itself over the past 24+ years in the mental health sector.
- Promoting Mental Health through Consultation and Education and providing Skill Training to the general public, especially to be of service to those persons who lack a condition of mental well- being, balance and resilience in which the individual can successfully work and function and enable them both withstand and learn to cope with the stresses and conflicts encountered in life.
- To provide counseling and education and providing skill training to those wishing to counsel persons with psychological, social, biochemical or genetic dysfunctions or disturbances, including persons with a physical disability.
- To provide for the empowerment and prevention of harassment, including sexual harassment of women, child safety and the prevention of physical, verbal, psychological and sexual abuse of children.
- To organise or assist in organizing meetings, conferences, seminars, discussions, exhibitions, etc in furtherance of the Objects of the Trust.
- To manage, invest, dispose of, purchase, grant, transfer and otherwise deal with the properties, movable or immovable and subject matter of the trust in such manner as the trustees should deem fit so as to enable the Trust to carry out the objects of the trust effectively.
- To accept donations, grants, presents, aid, assistance from the general public, governments, companies, trusts, societies, associations, firms, institutions in the form of funds, properties- movable or immovable, services, etc. to aid and achieve the objects of the Trust.
- To form a society or committees or governing councils for the efficient control and management of the institutions and/or activities to be started by them in accordance with the bye-laws, to be framed by the Trust.
- To do such other acts or make provisions for the starting of such other organizations as are found necessary in furtherance of the Objects of the Trust.
- To render aid, assistance, make contributions, financially or otherwise for relief activities/operations in the event of any natural calamities.
- To aid, subsidize, associate, participate with any other organisation or institution or charitable trust having the same or similar Objects in whole or in part in the promotion of the Objects of the Trust herein above mentioned.
The Trust is non-discretionary, charitable in its objects for society at large and its benefits shall be given to persons irrespective of caste, creed or religion.
Malini Sridhar is the Managing Trustee, and K.O. Thomas and Vivek Saxena are the Trustees.
Parivarthan Consultation and Training Services provide Consultation Services for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace under the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Training Services in Counselling Skills and related mental health issues.
Registered Office: No. 3310, Ground Floor, 8th Cross, 13th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Bengaluru 560008.
Tel No: +91 6366302425
annual reports
Annual Reports prior to 2015 available on request.
Professionalism & Confidentiality
Parivarthan prides itself on providing services with a high degree of professionalism. Respecting client confidentiality is our highest ethical value. Staff members are extensively trained in the field of mental health and counselling/psychotherapy. To ensure services of the highest quality, all counsellors at Parivarthan receive regular supervision for ongoing professional development and engage in personal counselling themselves.
Our services are supported by well-wishers. All donations are exempt from Income Tax, under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.
connect with us
mon to sat, 9.30 am to 5 pm
080 25273462, 080 25298686
helpline - mon to fri, 1 to 10 pm
+91 7676602602
Parivarthan Counselling, Training & Research Centre
1st Floor, # 3310, 8th Cross, 13th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560008
Mon to Sat - 9.30 am to 5 pm
080 -25273462, 080-25298686
+91 8050003136, +91 6366302425