Parivarthan Counselling Training & Research Centre is a registered, non-profit society, with no religious affiliation
High Quality, Ethically Sourced Training Materials
25 years Of Experience
staff & resource persons
Providing services in Counselling, Training, Workshops & Seminars, Career Counselling, Coaching, Research, Outreach Services and Consultancy.

Malini Sridhar
Executive Director

Vivek Varma
Director – Services

Satish Kumar A.
Manager – Accounts & Administration

M. Iyanar
Admin Assistant

Amrita Kaur

Anjana Kochhar

Aparna Ramkrishna

Atmica Reddy

Chinmayi Ramaiah

Gayatri Abraham

Gayitri Bhatt

Kalyani Patange

Keerthana Jayaram

Lakshmi Madduri

Manisha Gokhale

Mrinalini B. Rao

Nidhi Kapur

Nishtha Sabharwal

Pallavi Shetty

P. Rama Lakshmi

Pinky Chakraborty

Pranav Prakash

Priya Nambiar

Rakesh Mehar

Rovan Varghese

Roy Sinai

Sharada B.N.

Shishira Lukose

Shweta Pannu

Srividya Muralikrishna

Suma S. Belawadi

Sumana Hari

Supriya Kalbag

Taanya Mathur

Tejsweeta Singh

Vinita Shah
Professionalism & Confidentiality
Parivarthan prides itself on providing services with a high degree of professionalism. Respecting client confidentiality is our highest ethical value. Staff members are extensively trained in the field of mental health and counselling/psychotherapy. To ensure services of the highest quality, all counsellors at Parivarthan receive regular supervision for ongoing professional development and engage in personal counselling themselves.
Our services are supported by well-wishers. All donations are exempt from Income Tax, under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.
connect with us
mon to sat, 9.30 am to 5 pm
080 25273462, 080 25298686
helpline - mon to fri, 1 to 10 pm
+91 7676602602
Parivarthan Counselling, Training & Research Centre
1st Floor, # 3310, 8th Cross, 13th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560008
Mon to Sat - 9.30 am to 5 pm
080 -25273462, 080-25298686
+91 8050003136, +91 6366302425